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Zlib — Wrapper for zlib compress/uncompress


located in zlib.jl

This module provides a wrapper for the compress/uncompress and related utility functions of (zlib), a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered, lossless data-compression library. These functions allow the compression and decompression of byte buffers (Array{Uint8,1}).

Note that the zlib stream functions are not yet wrapped.

It is currently based on zlib 1.2.7.

Utility Functions


Returns the maximum size of the compressed output buffer for a given uncompressed input size.

compress(source[, level])

Compresses source using the given compression level, and returns the compressed buffer (Array{Uint8,1}). level is an integer between 0 and 9, or one of Z_NO_COMPRESSION, Z_BEST_SPEED, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, or Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION. It defaults to Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.

If an error occurs, compress throws a ZError with more information about the error.

compress_to_buffer(source, dest, level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)

Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer, and returns the number of bytes written into dest.

If an error occurs, uncompress throws a ZError with more information about the error.

uncompress(source[, uncompressed_size])

Allocates a buffer of size uncompressed_size, uncompresses source to this buffer using the given compression level, and returns the compressed buffer. If uncompressed_size is not given, the size of the output buffer is estimated as 2*length(source). If the uncompressed_size is larger than uncompressed_size, the allocated buffer is grown and the uncompression is retried.

If an error occurs, uncompress throws a ZError with more information about the error.

uncompress_to_buffer(source, dest)

Uncompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. Returns the number of bytes written into dest. An error is thrown if the destination buffer does not have enough space.

If an error occurs, uncompress_to_buffer throws a ZError with more information about the error.